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Showing posts from September, 2016


This week we do our summertive reflection the unit is how the world works, first we did an experience. There are three  experience the first one is the baby diaper secret, the second one is sugar yeast, and the third one is the, floating eggs.   first we chose our group I am with Jenny.J Jenny.w, Kitty, Bella and Selina we did the the baby diaper secret, it was very fun. But some of us said it was very disgusting because it was made out of baby diaper. But it looks like jelly crystals. I think it is fun to play with, because it  likes a crush orbzee . 


  Last week in math class,we draw about our dream house, when we finish drawing our dream house, we have to calculate the area, volume and the perimeter of the house. The living's area is very hard for me the to calculate so I have to count all the floor block in the living and it me a long time to count.  The teacher also give us example of the dream house, I put a picture of it, it is down here.                      We also give us a self assessment about how good your at something in math, like do you know how to calculate the area of the a square. when we finish our calculate our area and self assessment we can colour our dream house to whatever the colour we want. some of us have two floor.

Glass museum

When we came to  the glass museum, they told us that glass is very important because without glass you can't do anythings, like you will have no windows, the house will be dark and there will be no cars too because in the car there are glass wire,  glass wire is helping electricity go throw the car, and the car will have no windows.  I came to that museum,  I made a bottle that can put things inside such as flower.                                                   and here is a picture of me blowing the bottle.