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Hey do you miss me?

hey, 你们想我了么? 哈我现在6年纪了,虽然不用写可是还是想写。怎么办?我知道没人看可是这是纪念我人生中发生过的事情!!!!好了先不说了拜拜, 么么哒!!!
Recent posts

Clean up

  Today we just clean up our things and the grade 5 class. In the afternoon we have a clan swim race. Our team Robertson wich is the color pink we got in the 6 place the last place is 8 place. I think I didn't reach my goal because today in school we just clean up and clan event. I didn't do it well because I didn't reach my goal.  My goal in the further is hand in things before the due date.  When I go to grade 6 I really need to do it well because it is all on our report card.


  今天是我们的毕业典礼还有exhibition lesson 的 presentation。 我妈妈和我爸爸都参加了,下午是毕业典礼,老师给我们花还有奖状。我们每人都说一些话在台上。还有老师给我们评价了, 老师说我是一个 communicator。     我觉得我没有达到目标因为我还是更以前一样。 我需要加强的是当一个人思考者。我的目标是think 更深一点当老师说关于学习的事情。


  Today we practice our lesson and our graduation ceremony.  Our audience  for the final lesson is the grade 5. And to more is the grade fours.  Today Ms. Lau ask me if I want to do the solo together with Amy because everyone have a partner but not amy so Ms. Lau want me to sing the solo with amy together.    I think I didn't  reach my goal today because I still have Grammarly to help me. I didn't do it well because I didn't reach my goal. My goal for next time is still the same as before.

Art protect

  Today we had another hour of art class I and Amy hand finally finish our art project, YESSS. Tomorrow we are going to have our audience but not our parents they are coming on Wednesday. I think it is the grade fours is the audience because last year we went to see the grade five exhibition project. This is the art exhibition in somewhere.... But I don't know.😝   Today we can where any cloth we want if we donate money to help Ms. Lau. Today I have hand in my writing.  The next thing I need to improve my grammar skills because I think I when I write something I need Grammarly to help me. 

Last day art class for exhibition

  Today is our last day at art class. I and Amy color our VIP Animal Center we choose pink, blue, gold, and blue-green.   I didn't reach my goal because I have to publish it as a book but it looks like a printed paper.  I didn't do it well because I didn't reach my goal. I think this time I need to improve on is hand in my writing on Monday. My plan is to finish my writing over the weekends.

Script for Final lesson

  Yesterday I write a blog but it is in English we are supposed to write in Chinese I just finish writing it. Today we have art class, Amy and me was working on our animal VIP center's second floor we already finish the first floor using the clay. And the second floor will be using a plastic board.  To mmorw is the last day we can go to art class. Today in Exhibition class, Mr.cavanagh said we are going to graduate next Wednesday!!!! I think I reach my goal because I still have to do My English writing but I think it is almost finished.  My goal for tommorw is hand in the English writing before it is due.