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          STOP CHILD LABOUR !!!
           (This is my persuasive writing it tells why child labour should be stop.come and read!)
Child labour be banned! There are three main reasons why child labour should be banned. First, Child labor is a common sort of slavery. Next, it is unsafe and unhealthy. Finally, child can go to school instead of going to school.
First, Child labour is  slavery,  the meaning of child labour is putting children to work, in the work time they cannot talk and they do not have break time, child work 9 hours to 12 hour per day. But when they put their child to work they could loan money from the employers, until the debt is paid the child can come back, don’t you think that is very cruel, they put children to work in return they can get money? If you don’t pay the debt the child will work forever.
Next, in some factory child live in a big place but their bed is very small because there  are 10 to 12 people living there can you even that!? That is so small! When it is time for food we eat a lot organic food but, did you ever think of the child labour they eat a small amount of food! And their food are not clean, when kid grow they need all sort of vitamins to grow healthily, but they don’t.  
Finally, child labour can have education instead of working. If they learn they could find better jobs when they grew up. They could have better lives, what I mean by this is   if they are child labour, when they grow up they have no knowledge so they keep work in the factory that they work in when they were young.  But if you learn you can have better future. Some girls cannot go to school because of the child labor and child trafficking. Said Malala Yousafzai. Child labor perpetuates poverty, unemployment, illiteracy, population growth, and other social problems. Kailash Satyarthi.

In conclusion, I strongly believe that child labour should be prohibited because, the worst form of child labour is slavery, It is dangerous and harmful, finally of they have education they can find another job which is good than the they are doing now.


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